Faculty and Staff
A successful radiotherapy treatment is a team effort in the true meaning of the word. Our more than 200 staff members constitute a multi-disciplinary team ensuring a smooth and high-quality treatment. The pages below describe who is who in our team, and provide photos of our team members.
Our multi-disciplinary team
As a radiation oncologist, your attending physician is specialized in using radiation for the treatment of cancer. You may also be treated by a resident, under the direct supervision of a radiation oncologist. Physician Assistants (PAs) have received (formal) education, allowing them to perform certain tasks otherwise performed by a radiation oncologist.
Each individualized radiation therapy treatment is a team effort by our faculty physicians and medical physicists, residents, physician assistants, accelerator engineers, radiotherapy technologists and data managers. Behind the scenes, our professional administrative staff and IT department strive to keep everything running smoothly.
For the entire duration of your treatment you will be welcomed by our medical administration at the front desk. Our staff from ‘patient service’ (“patiëntenservice”) are your go-to person for any questions you may have regarding your treatment.
Attending physicians
S. Al-Uwini, MD, PhD
M. Atasoyu, PhD
A. Bannink-Gawryszuk, MD
L.L. van den Berg, MD
M.J. Berveling, MD
J.C. Beukema, MD
H.P. Bijl, MD, PhD
S. Bijmolt, MD
A.H. Boer, MD
S.A. de Boer, MD, PhD
D.M. Busz, MD
O. Chouvalova, MD
A.P.G. Crijns, MD, PhD
P.R.A.J. Deseyne, MD
M. Dieters, MD
C. Hammer, MD
J.G.M. van den Hoek, MD
C. IJsbrandy, MD, PhD
M.C.A. Kramer, MD, PhD
J.A. Langendijk, MD, Prof.
J.H. Maduro, MD, PhD.
C.T. Muijs, MD, PhD.
A.G.H. Niezink, MD
E. Oldehinkel, MD
P.F. Sinnige, MD
R.J.H.M. Steenbakkers, MD, PhD
J.F. Ubbels, MD
H.A.M. Vanhauten, MD
H.H.G. Verbeek, MD, PhD
H.L. van der Weide, MD
R. Wijsman, MD
M. Woltman - van Iersel, MD
T.W.H. van Zon-Meijer, MD
Residents (AIOS)
E.R. van Bergen, MD
L.G.L.J. van den Bosch, MD, PhD
Q.A. van Dalfsen, MD
J.I. Kok, MD
S. Krishnapillai, MD, PhD
J.H.H. van der Laan, MD
M.I. Ronden-Kianoush​, MD, PhD
W. Steen, MD
G. van der Weerd, MD
A.T. Zwart, MD
Physician Assistants (PA)
N. Fuhler
G.J. Stiekema
Medical Physicists
R.A. Bolt, PhD
A.J. van der Borden, PhD
S. Both, Prof.
C.L. Brouwer, PhD
K.H. Chan, PhD
M.A. Florijn, MSc
J. Free, MSc
V.C. Hamming, MSc
H.E. van Herpt, MSc
D. Jaroš, PhD
E.W. Korevaar, PhD
G.G. Marmitt, PhD
P. Pisciotta, PhD
A. van der Schaaf, PhD
K. Schilstra, PhD
N.M. Sijtsema, PhD
B. Strbac, PhD
A.A. van't Veld, PhD
D. Wagenaar, PhD
M. Weessies MSc
W. van den Wollenberg, PhD
Physics Residents
T. Andersen, PhD
T.C. Franssen, MSc
H.R. van de Glind, MSc
E.M. Gort, MSc
A. Bregman, MSc
S.E.M. Huijsse, MSc
B.A. de Jong, MSc
S. Visser, MSc
R.P. Coppes, Prof.
L. Barazzuol, PhD
L. Barazzuol, PhD
S. Brandenburg, MD, Prof.
P. Dendooven, PhD
L.V. van Dijk, PhD
A. Gerbershagen, PhD
M. J. Goethem, PhD
H.P. van der Laan, PhD
P. van Luijk, PhD
P.M.A. van Ooijen, PhD