Groningen Treatment Location (Main location)
Visiting address:
UMCG (Fonteinstraat 18)
Hanzeplein 1
9713 GZ Groningen
Mailing address:
Afdeling Radiotherapie UMCG
Postbus 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
Phone: +31 50-361 3665
Email: See contact form below
See UMCG parking
Opening hours:
Please call us.
Groningen Treatment Location (Proton therapy)
Visiting address:
Vrydemalaan 15
9713WS Groningen
Mailing address:
Postbus 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
Phone: +31 50-361 3665
Email: see contact form below
P-Noord, see UMCG parking
Opening hours:
Please call us.
Emmen Treatment Location
Visiting address:
Gebouw De Springplank
Boermarkeweg 68c
7824 AA Emmen
Mailing address:
Postbus 30.001
9700 RB Groningen
Phone: +31 50-361 7272
Email: see contact form below
Next to the building.
Opening hours:
Please call us.
Emergency contact
In case of a need for emergency medical attention in the weekend or evening hours, please call the UMCG main number at +31 50-361 6161. They will connect you with the on-call radiation-oncologist.
Oncology Information Center
The oncology information center can assist you with general cancer information.
Opening hours of the oncology information center are 9.00AM to 4.30PM, Monday to Thursday, and 9.00AM - 1.00PM on Friday.
The center is located at Fonteinstraat 20A , next to outpatient care 20 (Polikliniek 20).
Phone: +31 50-361 5934.
Do you have a question?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. Our radiation-oncologists and other medical personnel are at your service.
For reasons of privacy, please to not include medical information in the contact form below.