ESTRO Particle Course in Groningen

ESTRO Particle Course in Groningen

25 April 2019

On March 18-22, the ESTRO Particle Therapy Course (European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology) was held at the UMCG, co-organized by the Department of Radiation Oncology. 

The course was attended by over a hundred radiation oncologists, medical physicists and radiotherapy technologists, travelling to Groningen from twenty-four countries.

The course highlighted many aspects of proton therapy, such as clinical applications, clinical outcomes and soon to be expected technological improvements. The course also discussed other particles used for radiotherapy, such as helium and carbon ions. On behalf of the UMCG, professor Hans Langendijk presented on “The concept of model-based indications”. Rob Coppes presented on “Clinical Radiation Biology of particle therapy”.

The goal of the course was for the attendees to be educated in how to apply existing and newly developed techniques to improve the life expectation and quality of life of cancer patients. 

A guided tour of the UMCG Proton Therapy Centre was part of the program, which included a visit of the CT-scanner, the recovery room for our pediatric patients and the visible and hidden parts of one of our two gantry rooms. The attendees indicated to be impressed by our beautiful center and our friendly and dedicated staff. We proudly look back at a successful and instructive week. 

Prof. dr. Hans Langendijk presents at the ESTRO Particle Course Prof. dr. Hans Langendijk presents at the ESTRO Particle Course