Queen Máxima’s delayed visit of the UMCG proton therapy center

Queen Máxima’s delayed visit of the UMCG proton therapy center

19 June 2018

On Tuesday 19 July, queen Máxima visited the UMCG proton therapy center. She had not been able to perform the official opening ceremony on Friday 8 June due to the death of her sister. The minister of Medical Care and Sports, Bruno Bruins, acted as her replacement for this ceremony. At her visit, queen Máxima announced that she was happy to finally visit the proton center as it means so much in the treatment of cancer patients. ‘People that are ill, but with the hope of being cured’.

The queen received a guided tour through the center that applies proton therapy for the treatment of cancer patients. She spoke with both patients and employees, including a radiation oncologist, a pediatrician, a radiotherapy technologist, an anesthesiologist and a case manager.

“We are very honored by Queen Máxima’s visit, and we are especially grateful that she considers it important to visit us in such a time of grief,” says Jos Aartsen, chief executive officer of the UMCG.